There are many ways you can contribute to All Saints and our local community
Our worship involves the whole parish community, and so there are always opportunities to read, lead prayers, or serve at the altar. The choir and Children's Church are always looking for new members and helpers. Joining the flower team, helping with gardening, serving food and drinks, welcoming visitors, or becoming a member of the All Saints Fellowship are all fantastic ways to be a part of our lively parish.
Serving the community
Be a part of our community outreach projects
We welcome and serve those often overlooked in our society. In 2021 we established the Friday Sanctuary which enables us to welcome refugee families currently housed in Hove. Taking place every Friday afternoon, we are working closely with the International Women's Network to provide a communal space for refugees to have some refreshments, play music and table-tennis and engage in various activities.
Children and Families
We have a range of activities especially for children and young families
Children and families
Children’s church

Children are a welcome and respected part of our congregation. We have a regular Messy Church on the first Sunday of each month in which families can come together for fun activities, a short act of worship and some pizza. At our choral Eucharist on that day, children are encouraged to serve as acolytes, to read, pray and help with the offertory. Children’s Church runs on every other Sunday, led by Catherine our Children and Families Minister. There is also a dedicated area for young children and their families in the church in which children can play and learn about our liturgy. Check our calendar for upcoming events featuring activities for children.

Christmas and Easter are special times for children and young families. We hold a variety of seasonal events and services especially for children, including a special Stations of the Cross for children on Good Friday, an Easter egg hunt, Christingle service, and a children's Crib Mass. These are full of vibrant interaction, with music, bells, stories and costumes. All are welcome – feel free to dress up and join in the fun!

Messy Church helps children explore the wonderful world of faith. Interactive stories, music, and creative craft activities inspired by our sacred scriptures culminate in a shared meal for children and their parents. Messy Church is held throughout the year in the church on the first Sunday of each month at 3pm. Everyone is welcome. Check the events calendar for details of our next session!

Families with Young Children
Little Fishes is our early years playgroup
It offers a free play experience for infants, toddlers, and parents in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere every Monday 1 - 3pm and Tuesday 9:30-11:30am. We provide the toys, and our activities include storytelling, singing and dancing. One Bread Cafe is open serving coffee, cake and sandwiches, and there are free drinks and snacks for the kids. There is a suggested donation of £3 per family. Check our events calendar for dates and just turn up!