Learn & explore
We encourage you to question and explore faith
There are many opportunities at All Saints to learn about faith, the history of the church, and religious art and music. Learning means that we are a community of disciples, always growing, always stepping forward on our journey into God.

The parish retreat provides a quiet time for prayer and reflection. Each year, members of our community come together in September at Worth Abbey to explore aspects of Christian faith and practice in a context of stillness, contemplation, hospitality and welcome. Everyone is welcome!

We provide a number of opportunities to come together to learn more about our faith. Our Faith Formation Course runs on a Monday evening once a month in which we invite speakers to talk about vocation in all its forms, learning about Augustine, Catholic expressions of Mission, Liberation Theology and more. Each Advent and Lent we create a special seminar series held in the Spirit Chapel after mass on Sunday, exploring a number of theological issues. By learning about the psalms, gospels, and the Eucharist, we can better understand who we are called to be. There are also opportunities throughout the year to prepare for baptism, communion before confirmation, and confirmation.

Pastoral Assistant Scheme
Applications are now open for our 2022/23 Pastoral Assistant Scheme
We offer a 1-year practical placement (beginning in September 2022) geared towards 18 - 30 year olds who are exploring vocation within the Church of England. You will live and work in our parish and get a taste of ordained ministry, getting stuck in with community projects and our regular pattern of worship.
Set in the vibrant and diverse city of Brighton and Hove, All Saints is an Anglican Church in the modern Catholic tradition, with a strong musical and liturgical focus and a ministry to those on the margins of society, particularly working alongside refugees and asylum seekers, and providing an inclusive welcome to the LGBTQ+ community.
Our Pastoral Assistant scheme will offer you a holistic experience of ministry in this context, as well as opportunities to serve in partner parishes across Brighton and Hove as All Saints develops its role as a Resource Church.
Our Pastoral Assistants scheme is part of the Church of England's Ministry Experience Scheme, and is free to take part in, with accommodation and living expenses provided.
Watch our short video to get a flavour of our life here at All Saints.
How to apply
If you are interested in applying, please contact Fr Lee Chantler to request an application pack or with with any questions you may have: frlee@allsaintshove.org.
The application deadline has been extended to 20th of July. Interviews may be held on a rolling basis, so don't delay in submitting your application.
About our building
All Saints is a unique vision of Victorian grandeur

All Saints was commissioned by the first Vicar of Hove, Thomas Peacey, who was appointed in 1879. The building was designed by the great Victorian architect John Loughborough Pearson, who had just completed Truro Cathedral. All Saints is built in the thirteenth century French gothic style. Its foundation stone was laid in 1889, and the stunning east end, stone reredos, and carved choir stalls were finished about ten years later. The church is a Grade I listed building constructed of Sussex sandstone. Both the architecture and stained glass speak eloquently of the beauty and transcendence of the divine.

The Chapel of the Holy Spirit has a magnificently carved wooden screen commemorating those who died in WWI. The roof of this chapel, unusually, is vaulted, and the carved wooden reredos features the Blessed Virgin Mary in the centre, and from left to right are Bacon, Byrd, Angelico, and Dante; two renowned ecclesiastical writers, a musician, and a painter; all expressions of the creative inspiration of the Spirit.

All Saints is rich in very beautiful late Victorian glass windows, all of which were designed by Clement Bell ensuring they form a whole in which each window has its own story to tell. Among them the South Transept window displays the Church Triumphant, known colloquially as a Te Deum in glass. The great West window was designed to throw the light of the evening sun into the sanctuary, and was donated in memory of King Edward VII who worshipped here on occasion. The Jesse window in the tower feels different to the others with vibrant colours of green and blue.

Behind the high altar stands the remarkable stone reredos, designed by Pearson, and sculpted by Nathaniel Hitch. In the centre is a life-sized figure of Christ crucified with angels crowning his head. A representation of the costly triumph of divine love. On the south side can be found the sedilia, three seats carved in stone and used by the celebrant and sacred ministers at mass. On the north side is the bishop's throne, which commemorates early Sussex Christians and bishops including St Richard of Chichester (d. 1253) who stands directly above the throne.

Ralph Vaughan Williams was married at All Saints Hove in 1897. He was educated at the same prep school as his brother in Rottingdean, where he arrived in 1883. He later became a pupil at Trinity College Cambridge and The Royal College of Music. In 1896 he became engaged to Adeline Fisher and they were married at All Saints Hove the following year. The service was conducted by Canon Spooner (of Spoonerism fame)!